81st Meeting of the Joint Advisory Committee
August 31, 2021
11:00 am - 3:00 pm (Mountain Time)
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm (Central Time)
Virtual Meeting- Remote Participation
Audio with simultaneous interpretation
To Connect:
Zoom Virtual Meeting Connection: https://utexas.zoom.us/j/98931732034
Meeting ID: 989 3173 2034
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81st Meeting Presentations
,Click on each title to see presentation
Paso del Norte Air Quality Report
Dr. Carlos Rincon, US EPA
Public Transportation System
Arq. Salvador Barragan, SEDUE
Juarez Ecology Municipal AQ Monitoring Stations Update
Dra. Margarita Pena, Ecologia Municipal
Dust Storms and Health Impacts
Dr. Karin Ardon-Dryer, TTUSHC
The Impacts of Clay Minerals in Epithelial Lung Cells - Analysis at a Single Cell-Level
Doctoral Candidate, Zyanya Ramirez Diaz, TTUSCH
City of El Paso Levee Road Collaboration
Karl Rimkus, City of El Paso
El Paso Air Quality Overview: Ozone and Particulate Matter
Donna Huff, TCEQ
Paso del Norte Air Quality Report
Dr. Carlos Rincon, US EPA
Public Transportation System
Arq. Salvador Barragan, SEDUE
Juarez Ecology Municipal AQ Monitoring Stations Update
Dra. Margarita Pena, Ecologia Municipal
Dust Storms and Health Impacts
Dr. Karin Ardon-Dryer, TTUSHC
The Impacts of Clay Minerals in Epithelial Lung Cells - Analysis at a Single Cell-Level
Doctoral Candidate, Zyanya Ramirez Diaz, TTUSCH
City of El Paso Levee Road Collaboration
Karl Rimkus, City of El Paso
El Paso Air Quality Overview: Ozone and Particulate Matter
Donna Huff, TCEQ