86TH Meeting of the Joint Advisory Committee
June 15, 2023
City of El Paso Environmental Services Department 7968 San Paulo Dr., Cotton Patch Conference Room El Paso, Texas 79907
11:00 am - 3:00 pm (Mountain Time)
Online Meeting with simultaneous interpretation
Zoom Virtual Meeting Connection: https://utexas.zoom.us/j/97374826514
Meeting ID: 973 7482 6514
Guests will be able to join the meeting 30 minutes before.
To view the agenda or presentations press the options below.
86TH Meeting Presentations
Click on each title to see the presentation.
Air Quality Report
Dr. Carlos Rincon, USEPA
Proposed U.S. Standards for Particulate Matter
Guy Donaldson, USEPA
The Carlos Rincon Award for Air Quality Excellence
Isabel Keddy-Hector, TCEQ
Emissions Inventory
Carrie Wheeler, USEPA
Hugo Landa, SEMARNAT
Barrio Chamizal Hyper-Local Air Monitoring
Fine Particulate Matter in the El Paso del Norte Region
Ozone Transport from the Permian Basin to the Paso del Norte Region
Dr. Cemellί de Aztlán, David Baake, and Celia Aguilar, La Mujer Obrera
Overview of the El Paso Bridge of the Americas (BOTA) Land Port of Entry Modernization Project
Charlie Hart, General Services Administration