87TH Meeting of the Joint Advisory Committee
October 19, 2023
New Mexico Border Authority
221 Pete V. Domenici Highway
Santa Theresa, NM 88008
11:00 am - 3:00 pm (Mountain Time)
Online Meeting with simultaneous interpretation
Zoom Virtual Meeting Connection: https://utexas.zoom.us/j/99557369996
Meeting ID: 995 5736 9996
Guests will be able to join the meeting 30 minutes before.
To view the agenda or presentations press the options below.
87TH Meeting Presentations
Click on each title to see presentation
Air Quality Report
Dr. Carlos Rincon, USEPA
Comparative Analysis of QA/QC procedures of major air monitoring networks in the U.S. and Mexico
Jaime Contreras and Armando Retama, Consultants
Addressing Regional Climate Action under the EPA's Climate Pollution Reduction Grant
Fernando Liaño Berjano, City of El Paso
The Rincon Award in Air Quality Excellence
Isabel Keddy-Hector, TCEQ
Exposure to Air Quality Deterioration in Piedras Negras and Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila
Dra. Dzoara Tejeda Honstein, Consultant
Pro Aire: Atmospheric Contingency Program
Mtra. Melissa Zambrano, SDUE