84TH Meeting of the Joint Advisory Committee
October 20, 2022
11:00 am - 3:00 pm (Mountain Time)
Online Meeting with simultaneous interpretation
Zoom Virtual Meeting Connection: https://utexas.zoom.us/j/95128787119
Meeting ID: 951 2878 7119
Guests will be able to join the meeting 30 minutes before.
To view the agenda or presentations press the options below.
84TH Meeting Presentations
Click on each title to see presentation
Air Quality Report
Dr. Carlos Rincon, USEPA
Mesonet Weather Station Project Expansion
Stan Engle, NSMU
MINTS-AI: Sensing in Service of Society
Dr. David Lary, UT-Dallas
Update on Chihuahua ProAire 2022
Martha Caballero, SDUE
Co-processing of Scrap Tires in Cement Kiln
Ricardo Gutierrez, GCC
Update on Low-Cost Sensors Study
Dr. Li, UTEP
Dr. Vazquez, UACJ