83RD Meeting of the Joint Advisory Committee
June 23, 2022
11:00 am - 3:00 pm (Mountain Time)
Online Meeting with simultaneous interpretation
Zoom Virtual Meeting Connection: https://utexas.zoom.us/j/96866200833
Meeting ID: 968 6620 0833
Guests will be able to join the meeting 30 minutes before.
To view the agenda or presentations press the options below.
83RD Meeting Presentations
Click on each title to see presentation
Air Quality Report
Dr. Carlos Rincon, USEPA
ECHO by EPA (Enforcement and Compliance History Online)
Madeline LaPatra and Courtney Tuxbury, US EPA
Upper Air Studies in the Paso del Norte: the ceilometer network
Dr. Rosa Fitzgerald, UTEP
Freight Shuttle System between Ciudad Juárez and El Paso
Dr. Stephen Roop, Freight Shuttle CEO